Your warranty is provided by your Supplying Dealer (named on your Schedule). Warrantywise Ltd administer the plan for
the Supplying Dealer.Warrantywise may call, text, email or post you documents in relation to your warranty or any repairs
you make. Please ensure that your data is correct and that we have your email and mobile number. These are the quickest
ways to communicate with us. Warrantywise will never sell your data to any other company.
Parts and labour, as listed in your selected Level of Cover which is either; Platinum Plus, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze.
We will not limit how many repairs you can make up to your Vehicle Value limit. Each repair is limited to the Single Repair
Limit.You are covered for Failure due to Wear and Tear after the first 30 days and 1,000 miles. Failure due to Wear and
Tear cover ends when your Vehicle reaches 10 years old or 100,000 miles.Please read your Terms and Conditions in full.
Important: Not all parts are covered. No warranty covers ‘everything’ so please do read your terms and conditions in
full. Any parts or items not specifically listed in Your Level of Cover or those excluded in Section F ‘What Your Plan
does NOT Include’. Any parts which have not been serviced correctly. The warranty will not cover faults caused by a
lack of correct and timely servicing. Worn Out Parts. Pre-existing faults. Parts which have not suffered a Breakdown
or Failure due to Wear and Tear.
You must ensure your car is road legal, i.e. taxed, insured, current MoT and V5 Logbook in your name.You must
service your car, at your own cost and in line with your manufacturer recommendations. You must keep proper records of the service history.If you don’t have your vehicle’s full-service history then you must bring its servicing up to date immediately (including automatic gearbox servicing). Please read section G about Servicing Your Vehicle.
For emergency recovery call 0844 693 1910 available 24/7. You must tell Warrantywise as soon as you suspect a fault. You
can call 01254 355102 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, or email or visit
you must notify Warrantywise of any issue within 7 days. You must then follow the full Repairs Procedure in Section H.
The warranty is not insurance based. It is a contractual relationship where both Your Supplying Dealer and Quentin Willson
have a discretion as to how to handle repairs, so they can be dealt with in a fair and reasonable manner in all cases.
You will receive an Authorisation Form which you should complete and return to us with the supporting documents.
The repair invoice must be made out to Warrantywise Limited. You can choose who we pay on your Authorisation
Form. This could be yourself or your repairer. We pay repairs weekly by business cheque which are posted 1st class.
All mechanical & all electrical components Under 8 years Up to 80,000 miles
Comprehensive listed components for vehicles under 12 years and to 120,000 miles
Listed components of any age & mileage
Offer an price, more infor or anything you want